"Claimed Space (Untitled)" (2021)
Thinking about claimed space and place, I decided to go with the space that I have claimed as my home for the past year, my apartment. For nineteen years of my life I lived in the home I grew up in, then last summer I moved in to my own apartment with two roommates. With this new space surrounding me, I was forced to make an unfamiliar space familiar for the first time.
This series of photographs illustrates the things that make a space a “home,” to me. This is a more personal look into the idea of claimed space, but I hope some can relate, or at least start to think about what their comfort things are in life. For example, to me, those comfort things are: sunlight, plants, warm colors, organization of my belongings (where everything has its place), and saving and displaying the things that hold happy memories within them.
Overall, the idea of a home and how we as humans can take any space, no matter how big or small, and make it ours is very interesting to me.
I also think it’s interesting to think about the concept of renting a space and whether I can actually claim this space as my own, when I am only renting it year to year.